Image E0011 by MCC Comms

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 L-R Ger Deere and Anne Cresham Tidy Towns,An Taoiseach Enda Kenny who launched the Bring Bank,Sharon Camerion Invironment Dept M.C.C. Pat Quighley Tidy Towns,Back Michael Baynes Chamber of Commerice
Poto© Tom Campbell
 L-R Ger Deere and Anne Cresham Tidy Towns,An Taoiseach Enda Kenny who launched the Bring Bank,Sharon Camerion Invironment Dept M.C.C. Pat Quighley Tidy Towns,Back Michael Baynes Chamber of Commerice
Poto© Tom Campbell

L-R Ger Deere and Anne Cresham Tidy Towns,An Taoiseach Enda

Kenny who launched the Bring Bank,Sharon Camerion Invironment Dept M.C.C. Pat Quighley Tidy Towns,Back Michael Baynes Chamber of Commerice
Poto© Tom Campbell